While this is my first commercial project, I am not entirely new to game design. Almost a decade ago, I was the Lead Writer on my friend Paul Burgermeister’s...
Building a computer game is an endeavor of scale. Back when the internet was young, lone programmers like Richard Garriott (creator of the Ultima series) would...
I had recently come upon a major stumbling block in my plans to game development: how would I monetize my product? And what would the target audience be? Having...
Having playtested the first draft of the game, it was time to polish it and build a better prototype. Abstract representations like coins and tokens were fine f...
With the physical prototype of my game created, it was time to playtest it. Playtesting is very important to the development process because nothing is ever per...
The first step in designing a board game is to build a prototype so that you can playtest it. This is vital because there are so many changes that frequently ne...
"Beginnings are such delicate times." -Frank Herbert, Dune There’s no great way to start a game development blog, because like all large undertakings games de...